Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's December

Yes, it's December - the last month of the year.

Here in Japan, people are busy in December going to many end of year parties, whereas in New Zealand everyone goes crazy preparing for Christmas. End of year parties in NZ are usually held at the end of the year, that is December 31st. Parties before the 25th will be Xmas parties.

Speaking of Xmas, the busiest guy in the world at this time of year is Mr. Santa Claus. There is still time to be good and write him a letter/e-mail to ask for a present(s).

You post one here in the blog and I'll pass it on, or have a look at this site:

You can send a letter, track Santa on the radar, or even watch the live webcam of Rudolph.

I hope you get the present you wish for.